Sonic Adventure 2 with Riley Hopkins

Happy Pride, gamers! Riley Hopkins from the Moonshot Network joins me to talk about the one-of-a-kind Sonic Adventure 2 and why it's their favorite game of all time! We also talk about Sonic as a franchise, quiz Riley on their Sonic knowledge, reminisce on the GameCube, and more!

Other topics covered in this episode include: The SEGA Dreamcast, The Sonic movie, Hi-Fi Rush, The Fast and Furious franchise, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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Kirby's Dream Land with Chris Osborne from Play Comics

Poyo! Chris Osborne (host of play comics Play Comics and co-host of Legends of S.H.I.E.L.D.) stops by to talk about Kirby's Dream Land, and why it means so much to him!

We also talk about the legacy of the Game Boy, platformers, Zelda: Link's Awakening, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker with Hamish Steele

Ahoy! Eisner award-winner Hamish Steele, creator of the webcomic Deadendia as well as its Netflix adaptation Dead End: Paranormal Park, stops by to talk about The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and why it means so much to them!

We also talk about other video games important to Hamish, such as Persona 5 and Earthbound, get into our opinions on the Zelda series as a whole, gauge our hype levels for Tears of the Kingdom, and more!

Other games discussed in this episode: Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, the Mega Man series, the Final Fantasy series, Paper Mario, Okami, Tunic, Tchia, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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GoldenEye 007 with Jason Kleeberg from Force Five

The name's Bond. Games Bond. Jason from Force Five stops by to talk about the monumentally influential GoldenEye 007 and the impact it made on his life! We also talk about Rare's legacy as a developer, the GoldenEye film, rank some movie-to-game adaptations, and more!

Other topics covered on this episode include: Sports video games, Nintendo 64 wrestling games, favorite Bond films, Project Gotham Racing, first-person shooters, and couch and online multiplayer.

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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Final Fantasy VIII with Chloe from Girls Gone Canon

It's the show's 20th episode! Chloe (co-host of the Girls Gone Canon Cast and @liesandarbor on Twitter) stops by to talk about why Final Fantasy VIII means so much to her. Meanwhile, Keifer tries his best to stop calling Squall "Leon."

We also talk about the Final Fantasy franchise in general, talk about our favorite games in the series, why VIII stands out as a black sheep among them while also discussing Kingdom Hearts, share convention stories, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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The Last of Us with Stephanie Paxson

Stephanie Paxson (@spaxcadet on twitter, spaxson on Instagram and TikTok) stops by to talk about Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic The Last of Us and why it means so much to her! We also discuss how the HBO series fares as an adaptation.

We also discuss apocalyptic fiction, the Fallout series, getting into video games as an adult, video game adaptations, and more!

Other games discussed in this episode include: Fallout 3, Fallout 4, LA Noire, Resident Evil 4, Road 96, The Stanley Parable, Uncharted, What Remains of Edith Finch, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) with Caroline from How Have You Not Seen?

We return to a Galaxy Far Far Away with Caroline Thompson (co-host of "How Have You Not Seen?") as we discuss Pandemic Studios' Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005). We talk about how a game about capturing command posts captured our hearts, Star Wars video games in general, movie-to-video game adaptations, and introduce a brand new segment to the show!

Other topics discussed in this episode include: The Resident Evil franchise, The Last of Us, the Star Wars films, the Star Wars streaming shows, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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Metroid Prime with Marc Normandin

DATA RECEIVED! Marc Normandin stops by to talk about the legendary Metroid Prime, and why it means so much to him. We also discuss the Metroid series holistically, his Substack series Retro XP, and determine what the best Nintendo console is. Other topics covered in this episode include: The Alien franchise, Gears of War 2, the Fire Emblem series, Metroid Prime 4, Metroid Prime Remastered, and more! Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

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This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Horizon Zero Dawn with Michael from 5-4

Michael, history's most successful legal podcaster (and also known as the co-host of the 5-4 Pod, ALAB Series, and @_FleerUltra on Twitter) drops by to talk about why Guerrilla Games' open-world blockbuster Horizon Zero Dawn means so much to him! We ...

Michael, history's most successful legal podcaster (and also known as the co-host of the 5-4 Pod, ALAB Series, and @_FleerUltra on Twitter) drops by to talk about why Guerrilla Games' open-world blockbuster Horizon Zero Dawn means so much to him! We also discuss his history with video games, falling in love with them again, why being a lawyer sucks, and more!

Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences.

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Artwork provided by Avry Ott:

Tekken 2 with Jane Altoids

Good morning! Jane Altoids from The Pacino Pod stops by to talk about why the 1996 fighting game Tekken 2 means so much to her! We also talk about Bob Dylan, how important the Playstation 1 was, classic RPGs, Al Pacino's gaming history, and more! ...

Good morning! Jane Altoids from The Pacino Pod stops by to talk about why the 1996 fighting game Tekken 2 means so much to her! We also talk about Bob Dylan, how important the Playstation 1 was, classic RPGs, Al Pacino's gaming history, and more! Select and Start is a video game podcast where the host, Keifer Lirette, talks with his guests about their most meaningful and memorable video game experiences. Support Jane and her projects: Follow Keifer and support the show: Artwork provided by Avry Ott:
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